What does VCF mean?

In September 2009 the Black Vulture Conservation Foundation (BVCF) and the Foundation for Conservation of Bearded Vultures (FCBV) merged into a single new entity: the Vulture Conservation Foundation (VCF). The VCF will continue with the successful work of its two founding organizations and strives to coordinate actions for all four European vulture species: the Black vulture (Aegypius monachus), the Griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus), the Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) and the Bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus).

What VCF does...

The Foundation co-ordinates the different regional and national actions such as reproduction, release, monitoring and protection of the species in the territories where a recolonisation is in act. 
The Foundation decides about the number of the birds to be released each year and where the release will take place, keeping in mind the need to maintain a good genetic variability inside the genetic pool.
The Foundation co-ordinates also the collecting of the observations of the released birds and of those born in the wild through the IBM, guided by Richard Zink.

The Foundation supervises the reintroduction project for the Beared vulture in the Alps, which began in 1986. In 2006 a new reintroduction project started in Andalusia.
Morover the Foundation is in charge of many other projects carried out in Europe such as the Vulture Action Plan, the black vulture project in Mallorca and many more.

summary of VCF activities
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